I am still regarded as a JW. I am irregular at meetings and participation in "ministry". I have given answers in WT study which the BoE disliked such that I was approached on the matter. Since that time I have been silent, withdrawn from all "privileges", and haven't given WT money for over 3 years. I have refused BoE shepherding visit, encouragement visit, coffee and brotherly chat visit. Showing them that I know a thing or two about shunning as well!
I am now shunned by most. That suits me fine. When I do occasionally attend I arrive just before meeting starts and leave immediately after.
So contrary to the forthcoming convention theme, I am giving up. However it has been the untoward BoE conduct, appaling governance of the governing body, and the indiscretion of the F&D slave which caused me to embark upon withdrawal. They are simply incompetent!